Find the View Autoresponders subtab under the Autoresponders tab.

Find and control the mobile settings for member profile website.

Profile 2.0 Mobile Settings

Click image to begin video.

Website Sizes

The Profile 2.0 website automatically adjusts its display to optimize screen size and wireless communications based on the width of the screen (or browser window):

  • Large - over 1200 pixels wide displays a full menu and displays elements horizontally
  • Medium - between 960 and 1200 pixels wide displays an abbreviated menu icon and displays some elements horizontally
  • Small (Mobile) - under 960 pixels wide displays the menu icon on the left side of the header ribbon and uses the elements in this article

The website adjusts the display of images as the size of the window changes.

Mobile Settings Container

The Mobile Settings container controls a special home page for the website with a smaller image file and a customize-able button that changes before and after logging into the member's account:

  • Before Login -  Login, Join Now, or Location
  • After Login - View Offers, Cashback, Leader-board, Points Goal, etc.

Adjust the text message and its color on the page to simplify the site interface.

Other Settings

Mobile settings exist in other containers, too:

  • After Login Home Page Banner - controls whether the lower ribbon(s) appears on the website and/or the mobile device
  • Footer Settings - Controls which parts of the feedback and footer ribbons appear on the website and/or the mobile device.

Use these settings to display more or less information on the mobile device to optimize the member's experience.

Return to Profile 2.0 Overview article.