The Sender Profile subtab is found under the My Account tab.
Sender profiles act as the return address for Email messages sent to contacts. This screen creates, edits, validates, and sets the default profile for the selected reward program.
My Account -> Sender Profiles
Click on the image to begin the video
NOTE - A validated sender profile is required for each reward program. The sender profile attaches to the broadcast campaign and the provided sender profile details display. A business may use one profile for all its rewards programs. Alternatively, multiple profiles can apply to different campaigns.
The sender profile has two primary features.
- From Name: The first is the sender’s name which appears in the email broadcast. Typically, a business will put their reward program name as the “From Name.”
- Reply-To Email: The second is the "Reply-To Email," which is the email address that members reply to when a broadcast sends.
NOTE - Each Sender Profile created requires verification. Broadcast communications cannot send until this email address is verified. Amazon sends a validate message whenever the Save Profile button or the Send the Verify Email buttons are clicked.
If creating a default profile, a red star will appear next to the profile until the email account is verified. Once verified, and the profile is resaved, the button star color will change to black.
The default sender profile for the reward program is black. If your user setting allows, you will see a gold star which represents the global email sender profile. Please hover over the tooltip to see its functionalities.
Learn about Signatures next.