The Tablet Settings subtab is found under the My Account tab.

Tablet settings apply to businesses which use tablets to signup, checkin for contacts.

My Account -> Tablet Settings

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The Android Tablet

The Android Tablet is used to post amount currency transactions, time-based check-ins (visits) or sign-up members. It is important to note, if using the barcode reader you must use a Samsung Tab Pro or Android Tablet with 8.0MP camera strength. If running more than one tablet inside of business, multiple tablet settings can be created. For instance, a business could run two tablets, one for transaction posting via the "Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader" and one for signing up members via the "Web Form." It is to note when pressing the save button, settings take effect immediately, however, you may need to close the app and reopen.

In this video, we will discuss each section independently.

Click on the image to enlarge

First, we will discuss the “Tablet Functions.” Next, the "Screen Display Option Settings." The last two section “Create Signup Link” and “Created Signup Links” differ depending on the “Screen Display” type selected. The "Screen Display" options titled, “Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader”,"Time-Based Barcode Reader", and “Web Form” all use the image format. Click on the image to view the settings in more detail.

Click on the image to enlarge

If using the “Time-Based Check-In” option, a “Join Now Settings” option will display instead of the “Create Signup Link” or “Created Signup Links.” The tablet settings subtab has a tremendous amount of features and settings; we've done our best to try to organize the content as best possible.

Tablet Functions Section

There are Four Screen Display Options found inside of the Tablet Functions section depending on the reward program you're using.

  1. Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader: The first is the Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader screen display used for all reward program types except the "Time-Based" reward programs. To learn more about the reward program types, visit the Create a Reward Program article. These settings are used if posting currency unit transactions. The barcode reader is not required, but can be used to scan loyalty cards for check-in verse manually entering a loyalty card ID or mobile number.
  2. Time-Based Barcode Reader: The second is the "Time-Based Barcode Reader" screen display used with the Time-Based reward program. The tablet barcode reader is used to scan loyalty cards and issue points for each visit. The program keeps track of visits instead of currency spend.
  3. Time-Based Check-In: The third screen display setting is the Time-Based Check-In used with the Time-Based reward program. The tablet requires each member to enter a phone number to receive credit for each visit. When the number is entered, the App first checks to see if the number is a member, if not, a request to join displays via pop-up. If the number is a member, the App checks to verify time restrictions are met. If the check is passes, points are issued, and offers may display for "On-Spot" redemption.
  4. Web Form: Finally, the last screen display setting is the Web Form, which is used to sign up members and acts as a kiosk.


1. Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader Screen Display

Scanner Location: The scanner location determines where the barcode reader scans the card. By default, the back option is selected. When back is selected, the member can view the card on the screen while scanning.

Tablet Light: When scanning cards, if the setting is turned on, the camera light will turn on. Keeping this setting on is a great idea, especially if the tablet is in a dark setting.

Confirmation Required: The confirmation required settings are a powerful tool when using the reward program application. If confirmation required is "Yes," the member or staff will not be able to post a transaction unless an email or mobile number is confirmed.

If "Yes, Overwrite Allowed" is chosen, when the member or staff tries posting a transaction, a pop-up will display asking the member or employee to verify the email or mobile number. Staff or the member, depending on the program chosen, can edit the email or mobile, and a confirmation will send immediately. Confirmation options allow businesses to have a clean marketing list. A very powerful tool! The "Yes, Overwrite Allowed" option is our recommendation.

If "No" is chosen, the member or staff is allowed to post transactions with or without a confirmed email or mobile number.

Remove Bar: if "Yes" is selected, the navigation bar will be removed, and the member or staff will not be allowed to press the back button. With current Android rules, this setting is useless and can be kept as “No”.

Display Header: Choose which options you would like to display on the header bar. If you are not scanning loyalty cards, unchecked the "Barcode Reader" option. If the business does not plan to signup members while posting transactions, uncheck the "Sign-Up Form."

Display Header Color: Select the colors to coordinate the checked Display Header options.

When finished press the Save button and settings will take effect immediately.

2. Time-Based Barcode Reader Screen Display

Remember, the Time-Based Barcode Reader requires a loyalty card be scanned to receive a visit credit. The Scanner Location, Tablet Light, Confirmation Required, Remove Bar, Display Header, Display Header Color setting descriptions are found above.

Home Page: The Home Page is a splash page for the Time Based Program. Choose the header text that will display on the navigation bar. Choose an overlay background and font color. Finally, choose the background image. Use the tablet screen resolution to preview settings. Press "Apply" to enable the new Tablet Screen Resolution you would like to preview and press "Preview Tablet Resolution." To exit the preview, press the "View" tab button and press "Toggle Full Screen Mode." It should be noted; design issues should be tested on the tablet application as they look better on a tablet and are not 100% accurate in the screen preview. The preview is only to give an idea of how layouts will display.

New Member Page: After a member presses the home page on the tablet, they will be redirected to the New Member Page. Choose the text to display for existing members and new members. Choose the font size, font color, and button background color. To preview press the "Apply" button and press "Preview Tablet Resolution." To exit the preview, press the "View" tab button and press "Toggle Full Screen Mode."

Pop-up Message: The pop-up messages display when certain actions are performed, for instance, a "Success Message" will display when points are issued, enter the chosen text here or leave the default text. Also, dynamic content tokens can be added to each pop-up.

When finished press the Save button and settings will take effect immediately.

3. Time-Based Check-In Screen Display

The confirmation required, Remove Navigation Bar, Display Header, and Display Header Colors are the same as previously described.

The time-based check-in uses members mobile numbers for visit check-in credits. After reaching a given number of visit credits, an offer is issued as reward point goal. Additionally, any offer sent to the member via mobile or email will show on the tablet after the member check-in. The member can redeem the offer on the tablet after check-in.

Splash Page: The splash page tells members about the program. The splash page is not required and can be hidden by changing the “Display Splash Page” setting to “No.” Feel free to play with the additional settings and view the tooltip pop-ups. When finished, choose the Tablet Screen Resolution to preview and press the "Apply" button, next press "Preview Tablet Resolution." To exit the preview, press the "View" tab button and press the "Toggle Full Screen Mode" button. Again, it should be noted that the preview is not a definite picture of how the settings will look on a tablet application. It’s best to make changes and view them on a tablet real-time. When testing real-time, after a change is made, close the tablet application and re-login to view changes.

Check-In or Sign Up Page: The Check-In or Sign-Up page can be the primary front page or the page displayed after pressing the Splash page. This page has an array of different customization settings. There are three different display templates to test and choose. Each template has its own unique settings. Feel free to play with the settings and press the “Apply New Settings” button to determine what each setting does. Please note, the “Border Overlay Image” will not show a border background color in the preview settings; however, this setting will display in a tablet application.

When finished, choose the Tablet Screen Resolution to preview and press the "Apply" button, next press the "Preview Tablet Resolution" button. To exit the preview, press the "View" tab button and press "Toggle Full Screen Mode."

Popup Messages: The pop-up messages display when reaching certain rules. For instance, a successful check-in or reached reward goal. You can use the default pop-up text or create your own. At the bottom, the “Point Goal & Offers Message” can be customized, and you can add dynamic content tokens. If a business prefers the cashier to redeem offers on a separate device, use the “Point Goal Reached Message.” Using the “Point Goal Reached Message” will inform the member they have a reward, but require the cashier to redeem the reward on a separate device. By default, the “Point Goal & Offers” Message will be selected. This is the most common method, and members are allowed to redeem offers at checkout.

When finished press the Save button and settings will take effect immediately.

4. Web Form Screen Display

Choose to remove or keep the navigation bar. There should be no reason to change this default setting from "No."

The time-based check-in uses members mobile numbers for visit check-in credits. After reaching a given number of visit credits, an offer is issued as reward point goal. Additionally, any offer sent to the member via mobile or email will show on the tablet after the member check-in. The member can redeem the offer on the tablet after check-in.

Screen Display Option Settings

The Screen Display Options allow you to select which tablet settings should display when logging into the tablet. Most likely, only one option will be checked. However, there may be instances where two or more might be checked. For instance, if using a web form kiosk to sign-up new members and a post-transaction screen for transaction posting, in this instance, the “Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader” and “Web Form” would be checked. When logging into the tablet, one tablet would log into the “Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader” settings and the other tablet will log into the “Web Form” settings. This setup will allow two tablets to perform two separate actions.

When finished press the Save button and settings will take effect immediately.

Create Signup Links Section

The Create Sign-Up Link section applies to the “Post-Transactions & Barcode Reader” screen display, the "Time-Based Barcode Reader" screen display and the “Web Form” screen display. The create signup links section does NOT Apply to the “Time-Based Check-In” screen display, and we will discuss these settings in the "Time-Based Check-IN Join Now Settings" below. Choose the “Screen Display,” create a “Link Name,” and select a pre-created “Signup Form” used for the signup process.

In the Create Signup Links section; the created signup links display. Business and Staff can choose the signup form used to signup members. You can create multiple sign-up links. Multiple forms are useful when members are signing up via email and mobile. In this situation, two sign up forms will be used, one email form and one SMS form. There is also an option on the “Display Header” to show a “Signup Form” that allows staff to signup members freely at any time.

Screen Display: Choose the screen display used for the sign-up form.

Link Name: Give a friendly name to the sign-up link.

Signup Form: Choose a sign-up form.

When finished press the Save button.

Created Sign-Up Links Section

After creating a sign-up link, it will display in this section.

When logged into the tablet application, and signing up a member, the system user can choose which pre-created signup link they would like to use.

Time-Based Check-In Join Now Settings

When a member joins the program via the Time Based Check-In Screen Display, select the member list the new member will join. After the member enters their phone number on the tablet application and pressed the Join Now button, the member will immediately join the selected member list.

Learn about the Privacy Policy subtab next.