Find the View Scheduled Email/SMS Queue subtab under the Broadcast tab.

Displays all scheduled broadcasts (past, present and future) for the current rewards program.

Broadcast -> View Scheduled Email/SMS Queue

Click image to begin.

The Send Email/SMS Campaign button schedules a campaign to broadcast using the Send an Email/SMS Campaign subtab.

The Delete Selected deletes the selected campaign activity..

Common List Columns

Six columns appear on this page:

  • Campaign Name: Campaign Subject: Displays the campaign name and subject of the broadcast.
  • Campaign Type: Displays the type of campaign.
  • Member List: Displays the member list the campaign sent to or is scheduled to send.
  • Date Scheduled: The date the campaign is scheduled to send or was sent.
  • Activity Status: displays the current status of the campaign broadcast.
    • Scheduled displays when the task is scheduled
    • Sending displays while sending
    • Complete displays when the task is compete.
  • Action: The action column eyeglass allows you to view the campaign and the red “X” allows you to delete the campaign.

Additionally, each column field can be filter searched by entering text in the column field and pressing the filter icon. This method searches the entire database if there are multiple pages in the grid. Alternatively, you can search the results that display on the current page, only, by using the search box in the upper right-hand corner.

Return to the Broadcast Tab.