Find the View Surveys subtab under the Surveys tab.

View all surveys for the current reward program.

Surveys -> View Surveys

Click image to begin video.

Common List Columns

The View Surveys subtab contain the following default columns.

  • Survey Name: This column lists the name of the survey
  • Date Created: The date the survey was created.
  • Last Edited: If the survey was edited, the last edit date displays here.
  • Responses: Displays the total response to the survey.
  • Action: The Action column eyeglass allows you to preview the survey. The paper and pencil image allow you to view the results. The excel image allows you to export the results. The pencil allows you to edit the survey. The red "X" allows you to delete the survey, and the black circle with the arrow image allows you to Resolve all negative survey feedback. Only select this option if you DO NOT wish to reply to negative feedback. Learn more about resolving negative feedback and viewing surveys in the View Surveys subtab.

Additionally, each column field can be filter searched by entering text in the column field and pressing the filter icon. This method searches the entire database if there are multiple pages in the grid. Alternatively, you can search the current page only by using the search box in the upper right-hand corner.

Create & Delete Buttons

You may create a survey by pressing the “Create a Survey” button and delete surveys using the checkbox to select the appropriate survey(s) and pressing the “Delete Selected” button.

Date Range

You may filter via a pre-configured date range or custom date range. Also, you may choose to filter “all” surveys, “all negative response surveys”, “all negative surveys resolved”, as well as “negative response surveys unresolved.”

Learn about Create a Survey next.