Find the Import Transaction Data subtab under the Transactions tab.

Import transactions from an external device or previous reward program product.

Transactions -> Import Transaction Data

Click image to begin video.

1) Select a Location

If the current location in the navigation pop-out menu points to --View All--, a location selection list will appear. Choose the default location for imported transactions. Otherwise, the File Details screen will appear.

NOTE - The location field in the CSV file overrides the current location in the navigation pop-out menu.

NOTE - If the location field in the CSV file is completely missing or blank (for certain transactions), transactions will post to the current location in the navigation pop-out menu.

2) File Details

This screen controls settings for the import file. Typically, the default settings are sufficient.

NOTE - We highly recommend downloading the transaction template when importing transactions. To download the important template, press the "Download Transaction Template" button.

Historical Data: Choose whether the data being uploaded is historical. If checked, the transactions being uploaded are for historical purposes only. Transaction history will show in the member’s profile and on the home page dashboard, however points will not be awarded to members and triggers will not send.

Contains Headers: If checked, the software will use the first row as column headers for the CSV file.

Field Separator: If importing a CSV file, typically the comma is the field separator. If unsure, leave the default comma setting.

Field Enclosure: If importing a CSV file, leave this setting as shown.

Download Sample Template: Again, we highly recommend downloading the transaction template when importing transactions. To download the important template, press the "Download Transaction Template" button. After the file downloads, you can open the CSV file. Enter the necessary data in each column and save the file.

Import File: Once the downloaded sample template is saved, press the "Choose File" button and find the saved file. On the next page, you will map the headers. If using the default template, the headers will automatically map.

Notification Email: The email address to receive a report with the results from the import.

When finished press the Next button.

3) Link Import Fields

If using the default template, all fields should match up respectively. If you are using different headers than those found in the default template, you will need to map the headers accordingly.

When finished press the Next button.

4) Start Importing

If your import is ready, press the "Start Importing" button. Once pressed, a confirmation will display. Once the file is finished processing, a notification email will be sent to the Notification Email (entered in step 2). Additionally, you may visit Imported Transaction Logs.

Learn about Imported Transaction Logs next