RoboRewards permit changes to color settings for backgrounds & text of reward programs, templates, offers, etc. Our software uses HTML color codes (six-character hex color numbering system) for example:

  • #FF0000 for red
  • #0000FF for blue
  • #00FF00 for green

Install a color picker (such as ColorZilla) into the web browser if not already added. A good color app will also help generate complimentary and contrasting colors to build a complete color scheme.

NOTE - RoboRewards recommends using the Chrome browser to assure compatibility with our many features.

To determine the code number for a color:

  • Display a graphic containing the color in a web browser
  • Activate the color picker, select the color & write down the corresponding 6-character hex number 
  • Transfer the number (including the # prefix) to the field in the RoboRewards software

The displayed color now matches the color in the graphic image.

Click to learn about Image Manipulation.