The Users Tab controls user accounts into the RoboRewards product. These accounts grant access to the back-office software (not for contacts/members of reward programs). User accounts possess a username, password, and email. They control different levels of access to the product and allow certain types of changes to settings and access to contact lists. The subtabs include:
- View User Accounts - allows selection, edit, creation, and deletion of user accounts
- Create a User Account - create an account at the same or lesser level of access
- View User Roles - select, edit, create and delete roles (permissions to tabs and subtabs in the product)
- Create a Use Role - create a new user role (customization of built-in roles)
Since these screens control access to the product and its database, only RoboRewards (or resellers) personnel have access to user roles. Business owners and managers can control user accounts for their businesses. Employees have access to specific reward programs and locations to manage contacts, contact lists and post transactions.