The Contact Lists tab controls contact lists, custom fields and segments in six subtabs:

  • View Contact Lists - select, edit, create, delete, merge and copy contact lists.
  • Create a Contact List - create a new contact list for the selected reward program.
  • View Custom Fields - control custom fields for contact lists.
  • Create a Custom Field - create custom fields for contact lists.
  • View Segments - select, edit, create, delete and copy segments.
  • Create a Segment - create segments based on criteria from contact lists

A segment includes a subset (or segment) of a contact list based on criteria you specify (i.e. birthdate, gender, zip code, etc.). You can build a segment based a custom field you create (i.e. favorite color, sandals vs. boots, beef vs. chicken, etc.).

NOTE - Contacts are also called members occasionally in product documentation.

Distributors and administrators usually build the initial set of contact lists required for the business' first reward program. Business owners and managers create and manage additional contact lists, segments and custom fields. Employees add and remove contacts from the lists.