Business owners and/or managers modify templates, forms & other graphic structures using a built-in editor. The editor possesses many useful features.

NOTE - this tutorial merely touches on the basics of the editor. Users will gain confidence only through practice and experimentation.

Formatting Text

The Home tab of the editor contains five collections of text formatting tools:

  • Clipboard - copy, cut, paste a selection (can include non-text)
  • Font - font, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, sub/superscript, color, background
  • Paragraph - change indentation, number/bullets & alignment
  • Styles - change text to one of several preset formats (heading, lists, normal, etc.)
  • Editing - search and replace, undo & select all

Text formatting tools resemble most word processor functions.


The insert tab contains four groups of tools in the editor frame:

  • Tables - create tables/cells
  • Media - images
  • Links - hyperlinks, special links
  • Content - symbols, control constructs, boxes, code block, date/time, search/replace
  • Fields - business, reward program, contact, custom fields, etc.

WARNING - Don't try to resize the text box elements. Search for a new template or develop it offline and upload the HTML instead.

RoboRewards has placed extensions to the editor's insert functions below the editor frame. These pulldown menus insert links and fields into the editor. The final product will fill in the dynamic fields with the appropriate information.


The view tab contains two sets of tools:

  • Zoom - pulldown menu of specific zoom sides
  • Preferences - Show/Hide the border around the frame, toggle full screen mode

The bottom of the editor frame displays these buttons: Design (normal view), HTML editor (process underlying HTML code) & Preview (open the graphic in another browser tab just as the contact would view it).

Click and drag the lower-right-hand corner of the editor frame to change the size of the frame.


The help tab displays popup window which lists all the features of the editor, explaining the icons used, and their shortcut keys (if any).

Click to return to Product Features.