Relax. New clients to RoboRewards don't start from nothing. We work with you to establish a functioning reward program from day one. We customize one of our existing reward programs with the your business information and provide templates and other examples.
Initial Setup
In order to build a reward program, RoboRewards will need the following information:
- Business name and contact information
- Company logo image files (shown in pixels) and colors
- Offer/login - 228x82 (exact)
- Application - 82 height (exact)
- Kiosk - 270x82 (exact)
- Email Banner - 655 width
- Refer-a-Friend - 960x125 (max)
- Account Profile - 100x600 (max)
- Survey Banner - 228x82 (exact)
- Location information - especially the primary location
- Reward program name, type and rules (rules vary based on type)
- Sender profile (and SMS short code)
- User accounts for business employees
RoboRewards will send a detailed checklist as part of the onboarding process, but business owners are responsible for the accuracy of the supplied information.
NOTE - this information will be seen by business customers: validate for accuracy before sending to RoboRewards!
Customization Process
Business owners and their staff can customize their reward program as they choose, but we suggest this order:
- Custom Fields & Contact Lists - Add custom fields to contact lists and create segments to match communications needs
- Customize Templates & Forms - modify profile forms, website forms, message templates, signatures & terms of service
- Campaigns & Other Communications - choose methods to communicate with contacts and customize the appropriate rules & schedules
- Transactions - setup user accounts for business employees and teach them to manually post transactions
- Evaluations - monitor progress of the reward program and make adjustments as necessary
Click image to enlarge.
Successful reward programs follow a process of continuing improvement. RoboRewards provides the tools to grow with your business.
Click to learn about Contacts, Lists & Custom Fields.