Find the Create Profile 2.0 subtab under the Forms tab.

View and control color settings used throughout the profile website

Profile 2.0 Color Settings

Click image to begin video.

Theme Colors

The settings page provides two levels of color control Theme and Page Specific colors. The theme colors control a wide range of objects (backgrounds, text, buttons, etc.) whereas the page specific colors control a single object on a particular webpage. Changes to theme colors override multiple specific colors. Reset a specific color to change only one object.

NOTE - color preferences depend on business marketing tools (signs, logos, decorations, etc.) as well as personal preferences. RoboRewards encourages business owners and managers to experiment freely with colors before publishing a profile website to its members.

Click on a color setting to bring up a color picker (see image). Use the slide bar, circle, and/or numbers to select a new color.

Click image to enlarge.

NOTE - image background colors and opacity are controlled in the specific page in which they appear.

Page Specific Colors

The Page Specific Colors container is organized by webpage, ribbon, sections, and objects on the page.

NOTE - Theme color changes override some page specific color settings.

Color Template

All new profiles begin with a standard blue color scheme by default. You can reset all colors back to that scheme using the default color template (located in the theme colors container). Use other color schemes (as available) to reset all the colors (theme and page specific).

Learn about Profile 2.0 Image Files next.