Find the Create Profile Form 2.0 subtab under the Forms tab.

Initial setup of profile website including required fields

Profile 2.0 Setup

Click image to begin video.

Required Settings

Set of fields, selections, and questions which constitute the minimum information required to build the website form:

  • Member List - only members from this list can access the website and new members join this list
  • Sender Profile - provides the "FROM:" address on email messages from the website
  • Name this Form - name of the form as seen from within the RoboRewards software (appears on the view website forms screen)
  • Default Account Profile Form - Use this field to identify the default profile website if multiple websites are created.
  • Use Double Opt-In Confirmation - requires new members to confirm a valid email address before joining the member list. When this field is clicked, additional options appear to control the confirmation process.
  • Send a "Thank You Promotion Email" - controls whether to send an email to members upon signup. If the box is clicked, a selection box appears with campaigns to send as a thank you email.
  • Email New Members Details to You - sends an email message to the business owner (program manager) for each new member's signup.
  • Use CAPTCHA Form Security - reduces bogus members created by bots (only for profile forms located on RoboRewards' website)
  • Default Language Template - controls location specific names and terms (found under the My Account tab)

NOTE - the thank you email sends immediately but doesn't generate tracking statistics. To track responses to thank you emails, use an Autoresponder instead (see Create an Autoresponder).

Profile Form Field Settings

This container provides a list of fields (including custom fields) found in the member list associated with the website. It controls how to display and collect each field. The Display Name permits the web form to associate a descriptive label for a field (e.g. display Street Address rather than Address 1).

Collection options are self-explanatory:

  • Yes, Required
  • Yes, Not Required
  • No, Do Not Ask

WARNING - required fields may cause some members to opt-out if they don't want to share their information.

NOTE - members can upload an image to personalize their profile account.

Learn about Profile 2.0 Site Structure next.