The Create a Business subtab is found under the Business tab.
This screen creates a new business.
Business -> Create a Business
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The business acts as the top level of authority when creating a reward program. The 2nd level of authority is the reward program itself and a business can have multiple reward programs. Multiple reward programs may be necessary for global reward programs or reward programs for multiple franchisees in different cities. If using multiple reward programs, points do not share across programs. The 3rd and final level of authority is the locations. There is no limit to the amount of locations a program's allowed.
Business Details
To create a business first enter the business name and first and last name of the business owner.
Rewards Programs
If using loyalty membership cards, check the appropriate box. When checked, a loyalty card field will become visible in the member's profile when adding a member.
Primary Location & Contact Information
The primary location is attached to the business. Additional locations can be added under the Location Settings subtab. Enter the location name, location number if any, address, City, State and Zip. The country will be automatically populated with the default country settings found under the Application Settings subtab.
Note: All businesses must have a primary location.
Enter the business contact information and social networks. Each location is allowed their own social network settings. When email broadcasts are sent to members, the social network settings found in their (members) selected favorite location will be attached to the email.
Press the Save button to save your changes.
A further discussion of social networks can be found in Locations Settings.
Learn about View Reward Program next.