The Manage Offers subtab is found under the My Account tab.

Controls (create, edit, delete, lock/unlock) offers for the current reward program.

My Account -> Manage Offers

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17 Offer Types

There is an immense amount of flexibility and functionality inside of creating offers.

Currently, there are 17 offer types and depending on the type of program your using, some or all may show. A brief explanation of each offer type and rules are in the article below. Also, there is a tooltip next to the "Offer Media Type" dropdown inside the software.

Different "Offer Media Types" are used for statistical tracking purposes. A few offer types have different rules, but many follow the same offer creation setup. A description of each offer type can be found on the tooltip when creating an offer.

Common Features Between All Offers

Click to enlarge image.

The following fields are the same for all offers.

Offer Name: This field is used for internal purposes only and not visible to the member.

Offer Title: The Offer Title is the name of the offer shown to the member.

Visible on Offer Description/Disclaimer: The text used on the offer to explain the details of the offer.

Bonus Point Amount: This field is used as a multiplier for bonus points. For instance, if the program had a 1:1 currency to point ratio (1 currency = 1 point) and 2.0 as the bonus points then 2pts are issued for every currency unit spend (1 point x 2 bonus points). If the reward program had a double point day, a 1:2 currency to point ratio (1 currency = 1 point), and 2.0 as bonus points, the member would receive 4pts for everyone currency unit spent (2 point x 2 bonus points).

One-Time Use or Multiple Uses: Allow business owners to give generous offers knowing offers cannot be used more than once if selected. If one-time is selected, after the offers used it will not longer show as available inside the software and will show as no longer available to the member if a links sent via email or SMS.

Offer Expiration After Some Days From Sent: The offer attaches a dynamic expiration date from the day sent and will expire at 11:59 PM on the day of expiration. If an offer expires, it will show in the post-transaction page for 120 days as an Expired Offer.

Offer Image: If you would like to give a special Offer Image, one can be added.

Can Member Redeem Offers: Give members permission to redeem offers, if the reward program allows.

Want Redeem Offer Notifications: When an offers redeemed, the business owner can be notified by email or SMS text message by changing the setting to "Yes."

Different Features Between Offers

Click to enlarge image.

Point Goal Offers

Point Goal Offers have a few additional features.

Visible on Profile Reward Goal Snippet: The text title is the teaser text found in the member's profile promoting the offer.

Point Value: The Point Value has two options.

  1. Point Value: The first type is the point amount required to issue the offer to the member. Once the point volumes reached, the offer automatically shows in the member's profile.
  2. Total Available: The second option is typically used for cashback rewards. If a Total Available offers created, the offer will display in the member's profile to redeem all available points.
    1. Minimum Amount Required to Redeem: The reward program business owner or administrator can create a Minimum Amount Required to Redeem the offer, for instance, 10. If using a cash back rewards program, 10 points or 10 currency units would be required before the offer could be redeemed.
    2. Transaction Label Term: The Transaction Label Term text defines the points, for instance, if using a cashback program you would enter "Cash Back" in the field. Cash Back would display as a visible field to the member informing them the offer they can redeem is cashback.
    3. Use Currency Unit For Points: The can display in front of the point amount of the offer to inform the member how much currency cashback they are receiving.

Facebook and Twitter Offers

Facebook and Twitter offers share the same common setup features but are for posting offers on social networks. After the offers created, when viewing offers on the Manage Offers page, there is a short link that can be copied and pasted to the network.

TV, Radio, Billboard, Postcard, Newspaper and Generic Offers

These types of offers display on the Post-Transaction screen by default, they are not shown in the members profile, and are used for external tracking purposes. For instance, if running a TV, magazine, or any external advertisement, tell the member to mention the offer to the cashier. For instance, bring in a the paper coupon or mention a phrase at checkout. When the checkout occurs, redeem the offer. Redeeming these types of promotions allow a business to determine which external advertisements are working.

VIP Offers

VIP offers are used when members purchase a VIP membership.

When redeemed, move/update member to which contact list? When the VIP offer is redeemed, the member is automatically transferred to the VIP membership list.

Event Offers

Event Offers allow a business to give additional points when offers redeem.

Receive Point Amount: For instance, 50 points could be attached to the offer in the field when the offers redeemed. This offer is beneficial at Live promotional events.

Learn about Sender Profiles next.