Find the View Contact Lists subtab under the Contact Lists tab.
Controls Contact Lists by allowing select, view, edit, copy, delete and merge. You can also clear contacts from a list and perfom mass updates of some contact settings.
Contact Lists -> View Contact Lists
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NOTE - You can customize which fields appear on this page while creating or editing the Contact List. Learn more about adding viewable columns in Create Contact List.
Make mass changes to Contact Lists by selecting the list(s), select an action under Choose an action and clicking the Go button.
Common List Columns
All reward programs contain the following default columns.
- List Name: The name given to the member list.
- SKeyword: This column displays the shortcode keyword used for member sign up. Depending on your country, this field may not display.
- Created: The date the column was created.
- Members: The total number of contacts inside the list.
- List Owner Name: The name of the list owner.
- Action: The Action column allows system users to view contacts in the list, add contacts, edit contacts, copy lists (contacts do not copy), and delete a list.
You may also change the Page Size, found at the bottom of the page. If you would like to make this the permanent page size, press the Lock Page Size button.
Multi-Tiered Reward Program List Extras
Additional fields appear when using a multi-tiered reward program. A multi-tiered reward program has multiple contact lists, each acting as a tier or level:
- List Name: The list names are visible in the member's profile. When the member's profiles opened, a Current Status field displays the member list name.
- PB Start: point value requirement to enter the tier.
- PB End: upper limit of points of the bracket.
Point Value: A different point value can be given to each tier per currency unit spent. The Point Value is the point multiplier per currency unit spend. For instance, if a reward program had a 1:1 ratio, meaning 1 currency unit spend = 1 point, then a 1.5 Point Value tier would give 1.5 points for each 1 currency unit spend.
Paid VIP Reward Program List Extras
Below are additional default fields when using a VIP reward program. A VIP reward program will have a minimum of two member list, one acting as the default level and the other as the paid VIP.
- PAID VIP Point Value: The Point Value is the point multiplier per currency unit spend. For instance, if a reward program has a 1:1 ratio, meaning 1 currency unit equals 1 point, then a 1.5 Point Value Tier would give 1.5 points for each 1 currency unit spent.
Learn about Create A Contact List next.