Find the Importing Contacts From a File subtab under the Contacts tab.
Outlines the steps to import a contacts from an external file.
NOTE - Import the file into an unused contact list before attempting to import into the functioning list for the reward program. Copy the target contact list under View Contact Lists to ensure the correct structure.
Contacts -> Import Contacts from a File
Click the image to begin video.
1) Select a Contact List(s)
First choose the contact list where would like to import contacts. By default, the contact “My Location” will be tagged as the default location of the contact list. If you own a business with multiple locations, and the import CSV file contains the “My Location” column linked to each contact, continue to select any contact list, and the import file will override the default location setting found in the contact list selected.
2a) Import Details
Typically, the default settings can be left as they are.
- Mark as Confirmed: Choose whether to mark the email addresses as confirmed or unconfirmed.
- Format: Choose whether HTML or Standard Text is the preferred email client for the members.
- Overwrite Existing Details: Check this box if you would like to overwrite existing member details. If a contact exists, and you would only like to overwrite certain details in the contact profile, for instance adding an email or phone number, only include the fields you would like to update on the CSV file. The remaining fields in the member profile will remain unchanged.
- Autoresponders: To add the members to the autoresponder series, check this box.
- Send Password to In User: If you would like to send a password to the members, check this box. It is to note, members can always use a login form page and select “Lost Password.” The software will ask them for their email or mobile phone number and email a new password.
When finished press the Next button.
2b) File Details
Typically, the default settings can be left as they are. In this section, the tooltips for each field contain vital information.
- Contains Headers: If checked, the first row will act as the column headers for the CSV file.
- Field Separator: If importing a CSV file, typically the comma is the field separator. If unsure, leave the default comma setting.
- Field Enclosure: If importing a CSV file, leave this setting as shown.
- Import File: To download the important template, press the "Download Template" button. After the file downloads, you can open the CSV file. Enter the necessary data in each column and save the file. Once saved, press the "Choose File" button and find the saved file. On the next page, you will map the headers. If using the default template, the headers will automatically map.
- Notification Email: Enter your email here. After the transactions process, an email will send to entered email with the results from the import.
When finished press the Next button.
3) Link Import Fields
There are some important notes to read before importing your file. For instance, the SMS Confirmation Status, if the status is "Confirmed," an SMS double opt-in confirmation will send to the member if located in Canada, United Stated or United Kingdom. Using this feature can burn through SMS credits fast.
If using the default template, all fields should match up respectively. If you are not using the default template, you will need to map the headers accordingly.
When finished press the Next button.
4) Start Importing
If your import is ready, press the Start Importing button. Once pressed, a confirmation will display. When the import finishes processing, an email notification will send to the provided email.
Learn about Imported Contact Logs next