In this article, we'll discuss Sweepstakes. You can find the Sweepstakes settings by going to the Tools and Settings icon > Games > Sweepstakes sub-tab.
There are two types of Sweepstakes. The first is a Win Now Sweepstakes, and the other is a Scheduled Sweepstakes. A Win Now Sweepstakes will draw and pick winners based on the settings chosen immediately, and a Scheduled Sweepstakes will draw winners in the future and subsequent winners based on the programmed rules.
Win Now Sweepstakes
To create a Win Now Sweepstakes:
- Give it a Drawing Name
- Choose the Drawing Time Frame start date and end date.
- Choose the number of Winners that will be picked, i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.
- Choose if each transaction is counted as one entry or count the number of points earned on the transactions as an entry. For instance, a double point check-in would count as two entries if one point was issued per check-in. If we count each line item as one entry into the drawing, each transaction, whether one point, a hundred points, or a thousand points were earned, would only count as one entry into the drawing. Counting each line entry value works well with spending-type programs; the more members spend, the higher their chances of winning.
- Choose where to send the winners.
- Choose to allow previous winners or not.
- Number of Winners - Enter Number of Winners that you want to pick between selected time frame.
- Count Each Line Item As One - Transaction history line items are counted as one, and the Points issued are not considered.
- Count Each Line Entry Value - Transaction history total amount is considered in the drawing. The higher the number the greater chance to win.
- Where to Email Winners - Add multiple emails by separating addresses with a comma.
- Allow Previous Winners? - If Yes, a member who won a drawing in the past has the opportunity to win again.
- Select Locations? - Choose the locations participating in the drawing.
When looking at the Winners tab, we can see the list of all Sweepstakes.
Under the action column you can export and delete winners. You can also view the winner by clicking the eyeglass.
View winners here.
Schedule Sweepstakes
The Schedule Sweepstakes page allows you to schedule sweepstakes into the future or repeat sweepstakes winners on a schedule. To create a Scheduled Sweepstakes:
- Give it a Drawing Name.
- Choose the Drawing Time Frame start date and end date.
- Choose the number of Winners that will be picked, i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.
- Choose to allow previous transactions or only allow new transactions in each drawing.
- Select the First Winner Draw Date to start the schedule.
- Choose if each transaction is counted as one entry or count the number of points earned on the transactions as an entry. For instance, a double point check-in would count as two entries if one point was issued per check-in. If we count each line item as one entry into the drawing, each transaction, whether one point, a hundred points, or a thousand points were earned, would only count as one entry into the drawing. Counting each line entry value works well with spending-type programs; the more members spend, the higher their chances of winning.
- Choose where to send the winners.
- Choose to allow previous winners or not.
- Select the locations that will participate.
The Winners page has the same values as found on the Win Now Sweepstakes Winner tab described above.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket, and one of our support reps will contact you shortly. Thank you.